Lifestyle Tips

Anabolic Steroids May Affect Male Fertility

How Anabolic steroids work?

Anabolic steroid is a human-made drug focused on building up the manly characteristics in the men. This anabolic steroid prepared artificially is a kind of supplement to the already present hormones in the male body. As Testosterone is an essential hormone for the development of a male body, this drug increase testosterone production within the human body to build muscles and male sex characteristics. Testosterone brings two types of effects on the body one is androgenic that is focused on the development of male genitals, growth of body and facial hair, and voice deepening. In contrast, another effect is anabolic that is focused on increasing bone and muscle mass.

The anabolic steroids have majorly been developed to increase the anabolic properties to build tissues of the androgens while reducing the androgenic characteristics concerned with sexual elements like genital enlargement, sex drive, etc. This drug is used majorly by the athletes for their performance, while non- athletes use it to increase energy levels, endurance. The use of anabolic steroids has increased in men as well as teenagers to help build muscle bulk to make their appearance more “manly.”

The question here arises if the steroid is made to enhance the anabolic effect in the body how it will harm or have side effects over the sex characteristics of a male? But there is a science about the steroid work, increasing the levels of Testosterone in the body and does attack the natural production of Testosterone. This steroid is said to resemble the hormone testosterone and blocks the production of Testosterone in the testicles themselves. Further, the lower natural production of Testosterone in the body has many effects on the prostate glands, brain, and other penial chambers of the body too.

anabolic steroids

Anabolic Steroids and Testosterone

Anabolic Steroids do affect the natural production of Testosterone, disturbs the mechanism of Testosterone the same way. Testosterone can disrupt the hormonal balance, the primary hormone of a male body carrying out various functions. One of the features of Testosterone is to contribute to the sex life. Right from the production of the sperms to erectile functioning, testosterone has a significant role to play.

Anabolic steroids have side effects that many males are unaware of. This drug poses a significant risk of sexual health in the long term and, more specifically, male fertility. The steroids interrupt the natural mechanism of the process and can leave men with many problems that can lead to obstructions in adding or starting their family.

How Anabolic steroids can affect Male Fertility

Low natural Testosterone: Anabolic steroids have a direct effect on anabolic properties. The drug is consumed to build muscle mass and strength in the body. However, the main ingredient responsible for this is Testosterone. The drug adds the artificial supplement instead of the natural Testosterone.

The natural production of the Testosterone from the testicles is hampered, which leads to disturbing patterns in the Testosterone creation compared to the previous state of the body. The decreased levels of Testosterone are responsible for reducing the male libido, sperm count, and even results in erectile dysfunctions. Once this becomes a routine, then the body accepts it, and it becomes difficult to get back to normal. Thus it can have a long term effect on stopping the production and becoming infertile in the future.

Decreased sperm production: Testosterone is produced in the male testicles that are required for sperm production. Even though Testosterone is not a sole hormone that contributes to the creation of sperms but the major contributor to the quantity of sperm produced, males produce sperms on a large scale every day, which is required for having a child. Healthy sperms are not enough if men have a low count of sperms. Little sperms can lead to no fertility, and further men can become incapable of producing the sperms, becomes a lifetime problem, and leave men to be impotent.

Shrinking testicles: Shrinking testicles refers to the size of testicles becoming smaller, a severe concern in the case of testicular atrophy. The testicles shrink or get smaller due to the loss of the germ cells and Leydig cells. Both cells play a role in the production of the sperms. The decreased size of testicles leads to a reduced number of sperms due to lower sperm production too. The problem is not about the smaller testicles, but the reduced size. The reason behind the issue is due to drug consumption and its effect over the testicles and thus fertility.

Cognitive function: The male hormone that takes over many features of the body is Testosterone. It also has a command over brain functions and ultimately the sexual health. Usually, the brain coordinates and sends commands to the testis to produce the male hormone, testosterone, and sperms. But due to the consumption of these drugs the brain could sense the high level of supplement already present in the body and stops commands that are required to raise the level of testis’ natural production of testosterone, as well as sperms lead to a temporary stoppage of sperm production to even zero, and regular dosage of these drugs can also have lifetime infertility. 

Sperm Blockage: The effect of anabolic steroids can also affect the movement of sperms, i.e., the wiggling of the moving journey towards exposure during ejaculation. The track can also be blocked, leading the sperm blockage where it doesn’t reach at the time of ejaculation. Fertility is all about the sperms and semen that enter while mating resulting in the formation of the zygote (fetus)

Male Libido: The sexual desire in men is directly connected to the testosterone levels or sperm production in the body. The disturbed mechanism of Testosterone in the male organ due to steroids can cause low to no sexual desire. This further can affect the overall sexual health of a male, resulting in losing interest in having sex temporarily or even for the future. Sexual intercourse and ejaculation are complicated yet straightforward processes while it comes to becoming a father.

The risk to the Foetus: Infertility also refers to the lack of conceiving the child. It’s also possible that the fetus can be infected—infections during their birth or at the time of delivering the baby. The low fertility ability of the sperm has cases where the children are born with abnormalities. Not necessarily it has to be a woman to be infertile to conceive, but also a low fertile sperm from a male body can also cause this.


Anabolic steroids are in high doses can cause damage to the male fertility permanently, as regular consumption can never help to bring sperm production return to normal. The sperm production takes up to 1 year or more to return to normal after stopping the anabolic steroids. The side effects of the drug cannot possibly be seen immediately, but they do have horrible effects on male sexual health.

It’s not necessary always that steroids alone can affect men’s fertility, but the lifestyle along with it also makes a huge difference. But these steroids affect the Testosterone in the male body, and it has a lot to do with the sexual health of men. Once men play with the natural Testosterone, it is for sure that it will show its side effects, in the long run, depending upon the dosage and duration of consumption of the drug.


Lifestyle Tips

5 Yoga Asanas That Will Treat Groin Pain

Groin pain is not very common and can be embarrassing to address. Pain in the area of your hip that is between your stomach and thigh can be termed as groin pain. Groin area includes 5 muscles that help you to move your leg. These are adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis, and pectineus. It can be caused due to many reasons most common being an injury from any physical activity. Other common reasons such as muscle strain, strained ligaments, or tendons in the groin area can cause groin pain. Playing any sport like football, hockey, or rugby can also lead to groin pain. Other problems like kidney stones or an inguinal hernia can cause pain in the groin area as well.

Mostly, groin pain causes do not require medical assistance as it can be treated at home only. Certain asanas can aid in relieving pain and provides flexibility in that area. However, it is necessary to perform all the asanas with patience and correct guidance to prevent any complication. As performing the asanas in the wrong manner can further cause more pain. It is also important to stretch before performing the poses as some people have stiff bodies due to a lack of physical activities as well.

Below given are the 5 asanas that can treat the groin pain.

Supta Baddha Konasana

Supta Baddha Konasana

The sputa baddha konasana or reclining bound angle pose also known as reclined cobbler’s pose.

  • Lie down straight on a yoga mat, bend your legs at the knee area and bring your feet close to each other and try to join the soles of the feet together while keeping the toes pointed forward.
  • Press the outside of the knees towards the floor and feel the stretch at your lower abdomen, inner thighs, and the groin area.
  • Now bring your heels close to your hips to aid in any knee problem while maintaining even breathing.
  • Rest your arms on the floor beside your body with palms facing up and keeping your fingers apart. Avoid any stretch at the shoulder level and rest your shoulders completely on the mat.
  • Get your chin down in order to relax your neck and facial muscles. Make sure there is no unwanted stretch anywhere.
  • Focus on your breathing and gradually deepen your breath by increasing the amount of air you take in. Ensure that your body goes upwards while inhaling and squeezes in while exhaling.
  • Push your knees towards the ground as you exhale and practice the asana for about 20 breaths. To relax slowly bring your legs to the floor and relax the knees and ankles.


Vrikshasana or the tree pose improves posture and balance. It improves flexibility in the groin area.

  • Stand with your feet apart with around 2 inches of the gap.
  • Focus on your breathing and while exhaling bend your right leg and place the foot on the inner side of the left thigh.
  • While inhaling raise your arms and join them together in a Namaste mudra.
  • Stay in this position and practice deep breathing. Expand the stomach muscles while you inhale and pull them in while exhaling.
  • Stay in the position for as long as you can and focus on a point in front of you.
  • To relax bring your arms down while exhaling and then bring the right foot down to the floor.
  • Continue the same with the other foot.

Janu Sirsasana

Janu sirsana or head to knee forward bend where janu stands for knee and sirsa stands for head.

  • Sit on a yoga mat and open your legs straight in front of you.
  • Inhale, and bend your right leg in such a manner that your heel touches the side of the left thigh.
  • Try to rest the right knee on the ground if possible. You can use a blanket to support the knee if the knee doesn’t touch the floor.
  • Press the right hand against your inner right groin and left hand beside the hip on the floor.
  • Exhale and turn the torso a little towards the left. Now bend forward and line up your navel with the middle of the left thigh.
  • In an attempt to go deeper avoid collapsing the chest or pressure on the spine.


Ustrasana or the camel pose

  • Stand in the middle of the yoga mat and bend your knees to balance yourself on the heels or sit in vajrasana. After sitting in this position focus on your breathing and raise your spine by pushing the lower back on the heels below.
  • Stand on your knees and raise the body away from the heels and keep the back straight. You can use support by placing a blanket under your knees to perform the asana better.
  • Focus in front and slowly raise the body with few breaths. Try to tuck your stomach in as well when raising the body.
  • Now ensure that knees are shoulder distance apart or hip-distance apart. Do the same for the feet as well. The feet, knees, and hips should be aligned perfectly. That is your knees and ankles should be in a straight line.
  • Place your hands behind you, just below your hips with elbows pointing backward. Take the shoulder behind while holding your hips and hold until few breaths.
  • Slowly raise your body upwards and take the body behind curved inwards and downwards. Make sure that your thighs are straight and tight.
  • Inhale and place your palm behind you on the heels. Raise the chest upward and bring the spine inwards and release your head and neck backward.
  • Take a small breath and focus on the lower back and neck as a lot of stretch is felt there. Try to push the spine deeper and chest higher with every inhalation. The weight of the body should be equally supported by your legs and arms.
  • After taking a few breaths exhale slowly and bring your neck and shoulders back to a comfortable position and relax your hands, back, and legs as well.

Setu Bandhasana

Bridge Pose

Setu bandasana or bridge pose

  • Lie down flat on your back on a yoga mat.
  • Now, slowly bend your knees and keep your feet on the ground with hip-width space between the feet and hips.
  • Ensure your knees are in a line with your ankles and the feet are close to your buttocks.
  • Place your hands on the mat parallel to your body with palms flat on the mat.
  • Inhale and lift your body upwards, off the floor. Roll your shoulders and attempt to touch your chin to your chest while keeping your head straight.
  • Emphasize on your buttocks and ensure that your thighs are parallel to each other. Try to push your torso upwards and join your fingers together behind your back on the mat.
  • While maintaining your breathing try to hold the pose for about 30-60 seconds.
  • Now slowly get down to the mat and lay flat on your back again to relax for a few seconds and repeat a few times.